Friday, December 30, 2011

Heading for Typhoon

Where to start, feels like it's been an eternity since the last post. Let's start with the now. About to leave this prehistoric city with it's thousand of temples in ruins, banana, rice and sugar cane plantations giving locals work. I've met some great travelers after a crazy night bus ride from the beach. I've had a sensitive digestive system for 2 days now and heading into a big typhoon in order to do the 10 days Vipasana meditation. It's all about adventures and living new experiences, so I'll be careful for what I ask next time. 
After following other foreigners, that ended up being amazingly good company for the next 2 days, I ended up on a beautiful rooftop restaurant with a view on all the city ruins. Apparently this city was a place for worship and commerce. Everything alive coexists in the same space, cows, chicken, dogs, monkeys, bats, cockroaches and of course humans.
I'm not too much into vising museum and temples but in great company I can spread oceans. I also met another biker who's on a long trip through India and who still has a long way to go, in which I wish him luck. We're all on different journeys sharing the part of the path that brings us together and loved every second of it.
Probably the most impressive temple was the monkey god temple where he was born from the gods of air and fire. Of course it's filled with playful and hungry monkeys on the 570 steps that lead to it on the top of a half mountain.
I will put pictures when I can read my camera card. Until then I can only leave you dreaming of this place and hope that you can find beauty in your own journey.

Since it's also probably the last time I write before new year, I wish you all a Happy New Year filled with joy and happiness!



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