Thursday, December 15, 2011

Let the shock begin

I will start this blog with a phrase that a zen friend "Patrick Salibi" said once and that I find appropriate:

Things are not good or bad, they're just different.

I would add to that what my other friend Bilo that I love like a brother said and that is "Think about it" with a deep voice and piercing look.

I'm sure that your brain would disagree sometimes, but in the end the quote makes sense. What a shock this is, counting out the amazingly comfy 14 hours flight(window place with no neighbor in the next seat) and 10h30 of time zone change. The airport had a makeover in the last 3 years and it actually looks like an international airport. It doesn't take long to realize that India has kept a lot of its shockers.

Lots of people, extremely tasty food, need for an immense broom and really, really cheap prices(except the first day).

I ended up waiting 2 hours to get a special visa and eventually learned that I was in the wrong place and that it's an expensive piece of paradise that I've gaven up on. Will head for Goa eventually, even if the trains are full until ... at least the 27 and flights are $$$

Let's get back to the magic of this place which I haven't saw yet. I strongly believe that India works on each person internally by shocking our senses and our carefully built beliefs. There are no limits to a human being, we are animals and the only limitations are mostly psychological. I saw people sleep in the dirt probably without a shower for years and eating from the floor. I saw ... come and see by yourself, there are no words to describe which element will touch you most.

Since it's Christmas, there are no inexpensive destinations, so I'm hesitating to integrate an Ashram and meditate for the hollydays leaving the simplest of lives. Just bought Paulo Coelho's last book for about 5$ in an official library, but I'm under the impression that it will be assimilated quickly.

I have a huge mirror in my room which will work in accordance with my egocentric side to practice some yoga, at least until strange crawlers invite themselves. I was going to upload some pics, but the ultra computer crashed shammingly and hopefully didn't infect my usb card. I will try next time and maybe you'll get a feel of beautiful India.

So many more adventures remain unwritten, but like a strong tree in the woods, it remains silent where he is(think about it).

Piece, love and curry


  1. Bravo Cristi, imi place cum scri si mai ales cum gândesti despre tot ce ai intâlnit pâna acum in India. Fiinta umana are posibilitati inimaginabile, tot ce facem depinde de psychicul sau mentalul nostru. Inteleg engleza destul de bine ca sa citesc dar ca sa scriu... it's not the same. Good luck on your search... Take care. Dad

  2. I can tell that you're in adventure mode..

    Let the adventure begin !!!

    and.. of course... THINK ABOUT IT! :)


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