Friday, March 24, 2017

Bet I can't get worst... Destiny: Hold my beer

Woke up this morning in a hospital bed with a needle in my arm in this country on the other side of our round shaped Earth. Itchy throat and numb hearing from the right ear.

But first, how did I get here? I feel like Wolverine from X-Men in the latest movie called Logan, where Wolverine is old and tired from its numerous adventures. Maybe with my new body age, the self-image should update itself but didn't. Who really feels over 25 in their head?

I have to give it up to my body, been traveling non-stop in wild places for the last 3 months and it's put up with my craziness. Food street, lack of sleep, a bit of party and other excesses. Also, the red "check" light on my inner dashboard has been blinking for a while, especially since dusty and cold Nepal, from where everything seemed to have gone downhill for the last month. 

  • New Zealand was a clean and sweet break, although tiring but rewarding.
  • Indonesia wasn't a resting place either and about one week ago I could feel my ear clogging and had to see the first doctor. 2 surfing days later(I had to surf, my last chance and there were glorious waves), it got worst and 4 days after antibiotics I only had a running nose and pink eye. 
  • Once in Thailand and with the Similan Islands diving in mind, went to another doctor who increased the antibiotics. 
  • Next day, I had the most intense fever and head pain of my life and had to stay in bed for the whole day. 
  • Fortunately, the day after I felt a bit better and went exploring Phuket on two wheels. I must have driven 7 hours and crashed a scooter for the 2nd time in Thailand, which is amazing since my balance is a bit off with the ear infection. Repaired the scooter broken mirror and cleaned the dirt off my scratches and kept riding. Later at night the doctor from 2 days before told me to check in the hospital because he doesn't know what else to give me.
  • 45-minute ride to the hospital just to get an appointment for the next day.
  • Yesterday, I finally came and after some more advanced checks, the doctor said I had to be admitted for 3 days because of an acute sinus infection. Called my insurance and now I'm staying in an 800$ per night room that looks better than most recent hotels with a sunset view, great food, with caring cute nurses and a bed that has 10 buttons (my inner geek is in love, it's like driving a low rider).
So here I am in a hospital room with some new friends coming to visit but mostly resting and chilling, which is something that restless souls have trouble with.

Can't wait to go dive in the Similans and seeing Ko Tao again

One last image for all the extreme vegans out there(just because it made me burst out laughing while waiting for the doc yesterday:

Monday, March 6, 2017

37 hits

Nothing like a bit of cold and dirty Nepal, followed by dirty and hot Bangladesh, followed by expensively clean, modern and civilized New Zealand, then amazing tropical Bali and very jungle tropical basic Timor that reminds me of the English Guyana without the violence.

Time keeps stepping in its predefined direction like a migratory bird. I certainly hope I've made my genes proud, succeeding in school, succeeding with the career, succeeding with world exploration and even in the partner searching department. Maybe I tend to overachieve in certain departments and put extra pressure for no obvious reason, but then again don't we all? Maybe my genes would just love to play around with a grandson and have me more attentive to them. Maybe....

Are you living in a loop? Do you feel like your life is passing you by, that you're never really in control of yourself? Waking up tired, altering your tired body with caffeine/sugar/cigarettes/etc to get up on the strong foot.... Funny but I've been traveling for almost 3 months now and I still feel that the coffee is important, that my body is tired, that I feel lonely and can't really connect with people.

Either way, it would be great to take 60 minutes of your time to reflect on how life is recently and in what direction to maneuver it. In those 60 minutes, the first 20 should be to stretch and relax, the second 20 minutes should be to provide the body with light food and lots of water. The last 20 minutes should be to plant the seed of self-reflection.

Here's what came out of mine:
  1. I book all my time in order not to feel the lack of self-reflection. Always on my cell phone or on my new computer or on tv when I get the chance. Basically, I'm not comfortable with silence or also known as myself.
  2. I feel that this is more common than most people would like to admit and it's that we feel lonely and don't seem to connect to other human beings. The few we respect, admire and trust seem to be unreachable. I sincerely feel that I lack a real life partner with whom to share all my adventures, but in retrospective, I wouldn't be able to have achieved all of my trips in the comfort of a loving heart-bonding soul. I travel sort of to find myself or at least to explore what I have to offer. Now with the 37 candles, I see that my energy is more limited and my body has its limitations. I'm sincerely not happy of losing my youth indestructibility but there's no point in fighting the inevitable and also time to find new things to explore. More people get animals so they don't need to feel the discomfort of dealing with other humans. It seems to happen more when the weight of times greatens.
  3. Look for new business ways to generate money, since I feel that half of me is an investor now as opposed to the worker. Maybe even invest in raising the lifestyle bar instead of revenues.
Steps to take:
  1. Establish limits on my sweet technology addiction by taking walks, doing yoga and meditation, by muting it or putting it away
  2. Find a more durable partner with a taste for adventure with whom the relation would grow and we'd push each other in the right direction. Also, organize or participate into more social and cultural events with like minded people
  3. Brainstorm with like minded people on how to achieve a better income on investment or how to better manage the spending.
  4. Stop wasting time on things that don't impact me directly, like politics, religious beliefs. Everybody is entitled to their opinion and to any argument there’s a counter argument.
Since I’m talking about long life partners, some could be curious as of my tastes. I’ve had enough experience to define better what I would need in the longer run.
  • Not crazy: I understand that woman live on a constant monthly cycle and sometimes emotions could be overwhelming, but that’s no excuse to be a bully. Communicate and I’d be happy to help or get away for a while. The goal is to enrich our time together and grow.
  • Good with money: I did a favor to a poor girl(my ex-wife) before and it came to bit me back in the ass, so heartbreaking sad stories don’t compensate for reality. I’m expecting her to be good at managing money and by definition not poor, not a princess and not a shopaholic. She’d be possibly the mom of our kids and if something happens to me I need someone that I can count on.
  • Good family values: I’m a bit too independent and I’d like someone to compensate for that. Good warm family and good values would be more than welcome.
  • Adventurous: don’t aspire to be a home mom, it feels like such a lazy way to waste life. Have a career, have a taste for adventure and exploring the world that we could share and try.
  • Love pets: I’m definitely getting a Pug :P
  • Cuddle: because I wouldn’t be able to live without cuddles from the one that has my heart
  • Normal stuff: cute, witty, funny, easygoing but punctual and very sexual since we’d be friends without those

By the way, I’m not interested in marriage. We all have the right to change our minds and wasting resources on lawyers is a pain in the ass since at best we agree and still have to pay for notary fee. If we actually grow together and it’s pleasant to come home, then why would anybody go wander around?

In resume, what would be a good mind in a good body with a good bank account without someone great to share it with?

Your feedback, comments or questions are more than welcome at my personal email

I’m always happy to share my knowledge and views of the world.


Sunday, February 5, 2017

Planning you life adventure

Hey reader, usually  I like to share personal adventures, but I'll start this blog differently. Because if you've read this, it means you have imagined yourself in the traveler's shoes and here's how to achieve it:
Cut loose all of your attachments/addictions:

  • Loved ones (best friends, family, partner)
  • Money making activities leaving a good safety on the side
  • Debt making possessions (house, vehicles, etc)

Probably 90% of your reticence to leave for adventure is caused by one of those 3.

The most important aspect of, life in general, is keeping the machine in good shape, so go get vaccinated for EVERYTHING. It's worth the money and the time. Do some workout and drink enough water. Also get a travel insurance, it will be worth your money if you get sick.

Put some money on the side. I'd go with around 2000USD per month to cover for plane, shelter, food and party. It can get much more expensive but also cheaper, especially if you get involved in community work or woofing. will also help you if you feel the desire to stay at people's houses and get to know other people when you travel.

Google flight, and are amazing to find cheap flights., and are amazing to find you the right accommodation.
Uber now seems to work in most places.
Try to look up the necessary visas you need ahead of time, especially if you want to stay longer somewhere.

After this trip, I'll have been in over 95 countries around the globe, so feel free to contact me with any questions about a country you'd like to visit and I'd love to help with you going after your dreams.


Once upon a time man needed boundaries and created beautiful useful concepts like:
  • God: to explain the unknown
  • Religion: to establish some order and general behavior rules
  • Monogamous heterosexual couple: in order to pass riches down generation
The important thing is to remember that the 3 above points are MAN MADE concepts and that reality is really what you feel even if it goes against a man made concept.

Here are a couple of funny travels facts:
  • Only in Philippines and Vatican, you can't divorce if you marry. Funny that "Filipinos" are as Catholic as the pope.
  • In Indonesia, your religion is written on your ID and you can't marry someone from another religion. It's part of the law.
  • Indonesia doesn't recognize Judaism as a religion.
  • In Bangladesh, you can't be in the same hotel room with a person of the opposite sex, unless you can provide the marriage papers.
As a good friend would say, different places, different game, so I follow the local rules and stay out of trouble.

This trip has been a nice mixture of pleasure and business. Got a great interview in HK, found some very interesting opportunities in Taiwan, lots of Start-Ups in Bali, where I'll return to investigate further. Met 2 company bosses in Nepal and possibly soon in Bangladesh and New Zealand.

It all started with a one night of free hotel transit in Beijing where Google and Facebook are blocked. 
Busy and efficient HK with lots of foods and an incredible amount of things to see, do and buy. 
Then clean and ordered Taiwan with its lovely people that don't speak much English but are very warm once the ice is broken.
Amazing Bali that never really let me down with its waves and many things to see and do. Always a party or a place to hang out, harassed by prostitutes, drug dealers and much more. Also love driving a scooter there, because it's madness takes you on the sidewalk and sometimes against traffic at full speed. Cimaja with brother Bobby is always a pleasure, but things change and we evolve, so I wish you all the best brother.
Jakarta and Bogor are not so interesting and without the people there, it wouldn't be worth it.
Now Nepal is like Bali without the beach. Everybody harasses you and has something to offer, which most likely I'm not interested. Also, the Nepalese people are very warm and friendly but also don't have a notion of personal space or privacy which sometimes transpires in nosy questions.
Bangladesh has an infrastructure that is better than Nepal. New cars, tall buildings, good roads but also insane never ending traffic, constant pollution and dust. The most annoying sloth-like immigration officers that took 2 hours to charge me the insane travel preventing amount of 51USD for a visa on arrival. Like another good friend told me, I'm the only dumb bastard that found it's way in Bangladesh and on top of making it a pleasant experience, the initial touch was mind melting. Although the food is okay and there might be some things to visit, you might as well go to famous and dirty Nepal in another season than winter and should enjoy a better experience. Also, it's better if you go with someone to Nepal or Bangladesh. This will make your experience more fun since CS isn't at its best over there.
For now, I just can't wait to meet a cool biker couple in New Zealand, where I decided to rent a car instead of a motorcycle for availability reasons.

Once again, all I can hope is that my stories will inspire you to have a more open mind and follow your own dreams. Your questions are welcome and your feedback is appreciated.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Spreading the Chimichurri

I don't know about you, but I find that food taste better with spices. One problem, is that from time to time, I exaggerate the amounts therefore having feeling a little sweaty unpleasantness. Another problem is that regular food seems dull in general after these exotic meals.

We are what we eat... since food is the source of energy of our body, it's reasonable to consider that what goes in has an impact on our emotional states(what we perceive as life). 

Real taste is disconnected from the eyes and had it's purpose (most likely) to warn us about possible damaging foods. With time and lack of danger, we've learn to taste the texture and colors, more than with the taste buds....
We appreciate things like the name(reputation) of a product/cook/restaurant, together with the surrounding presentation and ambiance in which we distill our emotional states.
We're hypnotized to feel a dream or relive an engineered past moment instead of just using our tasting buds in the moment.

Modern life is a man made constant dream. We bathe in the mass media clouds, indulging in what their(yours, if it's your line of work) joined efforts cook for us. In the end who's to say that the feeling we get from the taste is better than the one we get from the dream we've adhered to.
Knowing this, the logical next step should be to get the best immersion system money can get and let my feeling fortress be assaulted by other's high rank creations...but somehow...
There's a certain pleasure to creating and being the architect in any way of the surrounding Matrix. Why be a Don Quijote, when you can steer and navigate the general common flow into the unknown wavy ocean of eternity.

You look around and compare your own influenced expectations with the unpredictable real world. How do we build those inner expectations that eventually lead our modernity into the breakdown abyss (more and more work-related burnouts in a society where poverty is kept to a minimum)?

The answer is in the recipe, we keep putting spices in the dishes we cook for others, thus trying to addict them(marketing) to our own dish. We package our meals to ensure our chain in the society's link, injecting into others our chimichurri abundantly. The problem resides in how easy we adapt to new things, because we feel happy, alive, challenged when change takes place.

Let's assume that most people can only make one particular plate, then the way of changing and keep people hooked is to add more spice, leading to ... 

Personally, I love the end of autumn because it provides the space favorable for a spice desintox and although it seems though and tasteless, everything will taste better in next cycle reset in spring.

Learn to enjoy a spice-less meal and you're set to love all future dishes.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Recap while in between waves

Walk until you can't anymore...

We spend most of our life trying to fit some social circle and improving one or another skill because we want to have an edge and sell ourselves better.
Watching cartoons this morning, I clearly remember all my Disney inserted younger values. I wanted to be the good helping guy that leaves when done...a little bit like 'Hobo' the helping dog (another version of a vagabond Lassie). I've clearly achieved exactly that in my own beautiful way.

My extremelly tired smiling self

Let me present my real self:
I see myself as an artist, a life explorer, a lover of the beauty and grace.On the other side, I've been gifted with a German logical side and computer like mathematics skills that help me adapt to every situatio. I love risks and challenges, but not as much as I love life. I've been gifted with a strong, resistant body(amazing genes) that facilitates my exploration of every spot on this planet. Looks like one day I'll have SUPERBABIES.

I used to be a shy kid, never really being aware of the effect I had on women, although always had a few aroun. The idea of a single partne is such an alien concept to me, but I understand and respect it in others. I love women with every singe cell in my body and when I'm in the graceful company of one, she's the only flower intoxicating me with her exotic smell, but as soon as the infinite moment ends and she leaves...
No extra comments needed...

Sometimes it's hard to feel the scent of a woman through the petals she unconsciously puts in the way. If you think I've ignored you in the past, maybe you had a petal up, so I strongly advise that next time you grab my attention...nothing beats interesting conversation ... unless ... it's a seductive mind.

With this in mind, A MILLION THANKS to all the beautiful creatures that have opened their loving arms and have engraved their names in my heart forever. Let's hope our dusty paths will meet again for new unspoken adventures.

Albums with pics since last post:

Stefan Tajti playing everybody's emotional chords with his violin in our hoste in Rio

A little something about death:
With all this adventure, I'm aware that my chances of not existing are incresed and I accept that risk gladly if it allows me to experience life in it's purest form. This being said, if my life ends and you feel like you should respect my memory, please get out from your routine and tell your loved ones how you feel about them in the most passionate and loving manner (just don't do anything I wouldn't do...virtually nothing).

One free beautiful life

Partial blog from a tired night:
Left Rio with two tears in each eye, because of such wonderful and special people. These two and many more opened up from normal standards and we had beautifully sparked adventures. Travel dipped in passion, caring and affection, perfect recipe for Free Love, giving everything to the moment and bringing down our invisible walls. This is what I have always preached for. Give without expecting, be honest and explore whatever common desires are matched. How can you lose someone if you HAVEN'T misplaced them first.

Surrounded by feminine energy...

What a crazy ride it was from Macapa to the border with a crazy pick-up that killed its passenger's backs in the last 150km of the 700. The good news, I got flirted with by two lovely females and one not only kissed me but also gave me a hand job while the others where too busy looking away or sleeping. Right after she said she had a 50 years old boyfriend for her youngish 20 years. I love this place. Also, the night before I had to turn down, not one, not two, not three, but four gorgeous girls from Tinder that all insisted to come to my hotel room later. I was too tired after a long ride from Rio and before today's messy adventure...

Watch where you put your foot, because your body will follow

Life is what you make out of it, Pierre-Emmanuel Dénès :
A year ago, I was coming back also tired from a 4 month tour around Europe. It was an exiting experience through my colder birth place. I open the door of my apartment just to find a dirty mess. Pierre-Emmanuel Dénès with whom I signed a temporary furnished lease (went through a lot to make it legal) had left damages, missing property and almost everything inside was dirty (and I still have the pictures to prove it). To this day, he hadn't paid anything and in his letters he chose arrogance instead of good human behaviour. Now being a year later, I can only say that you get the results of your previous choices. That bad experience allowed me to get rid of that place and I'll move into a more central one soon. I've travelled the world again and at the last news he was begging for money in the street. Let it be a lesson for whoever thinks that their decisions have no impact on their future. No matter if Karma exists or not, a reputation is very easy to dirty our days with the power of the Internet.

Nice waves

Quick recap:
Started this trip 4 months ago, thinking that I was going to spent at least 2 months in the same spot, Jericoacoara, surfing, learning Capoeira, learning Samba and teaching kids. I overspent and chose instead to visit Brazil in all it's migthyness, at least the whole coast. Nothing revives my heart like a tropical beach with good visibility or waves or both. I've met people from around the world and my Portunol is perfect...
Unfortunately, during this trip, I crossed without meeting at least 5 previously met cool free souls, but I had the short and lovely opportunity to meet one of them, Sarah.

Sarah, who has one cool artist surfer boyfriend living in treeless tree house

I've learned that there's a machine that can accelerate the healing process and it's funny because I've learn that from a veterinarian. I tried teaching passively and after about 5 failed attempts, I've decided to get back to the beach. I've spent most of my time surrounded by lovely people and learned that Tinder is a great 'hook-up' application, that I haven't used a this trip. One big thanks to Google Maps for getting me home safely.

Surrounding by amazing people

Samba should be made a sport and not a dance, also it has the great side-effect of giving you an ass of steel. Capoeira looks amazing, but it require such core strength and flexibility that it's aimed to super slim muscular type of people. Always great to try it, sometimes attitude counts.
I've fallen in LOVE with a country and it's people(unless we have to wait in line)...

Let me hug so you so hard, so HARD...that it will break your fears!

Friday, May 16, 2014

You deserve everything you feel in life

The virtual source of reality

I'm on the verge of becoming an outlaw in Brazil, which would make me an outlaw for the third time in a foreign country (Indonesia for overstaying visas arranged with a fine, Argentina for selling a vehicle illegaly 5 years ago arranged with having a second nationalty and now forced to overstay my Brazilian visa for 7 days probably fixed with a fine).
If I'd have to choose one passion in life,... would be to observe,...
...where the sky meets the ocean.

Looking back on this marvelous trip, I can't but feel love for this oversized country bringing together so many different cultures. The costs exceeded expectations mostly because of my uncontrolled desires to accomplish and live intensly all available possibilities. Here are some marvels since the last post:

Sweet engraved memories in the greatest color vibration

Observing my other self in the mirror. Almost 4 months through irregular sleep, gorgeous adventures, chilling on sexy beaches and with the skin worked by the sun... I can't but love and appreciate the effect.
I've been touched by many lifes and shared moments in great company filled with love, beauty, grace and excitement.
If there's one secret about captivating someone like me, it's to keep my mind excited with new beautiful possibilitites that haven't yet been imagined. It's mainly why I travel, to discover the unimagined.

Unexpected beauty

I look at my numerous scars and each has it's own story. This body is a library where life is storing it's books second after second.

Remember when you were amazingly loved in your life or when you felt horribly sad. Now overlap those 2 memories and remember that everything outside your head was the same. You deserve every bit of reality you're feeling, since reality is greatly influenced by your emotional state wich is the only thing over which you have great power.
Some symbols...
...have more effect...
...than others.

Now think about how you'd feel if someone that you care about shows you his love in a deep and caring way....On the opposite side, think about how you'd feel if someone you deeply care and love, betrays your trust and rejects your love in the most horifying way....
Do you see the outside difference? You shouldn't because there isn't any.

It's saner to go through life knowing that emotional states are temporary and don't affect surrounding reality. You won't feel the need to end it all because of a difference between expected outcome nested in your inside world and more important, you'd be more enclined to continue on the "best" path in life.

You are the only ruler of your life through your decisions, meaning that only your actions will get you the results you want(love, bussiness, travels, etc). We give too much power to outside factors when everything really happens inside of us.

This is very important in a world where what is sold is packaged into a dream to make it more addictive or more competitive. Choose your path before others choose it for you or at least understand how the game is played(relations, heath and beauty products, electronics, lifestyle). Fooball for example seems to have an almost religious symbolism at least in this part of the world, aldo it is just a game opposing 11 people of each team trying to get a ball into a big net...I can feel the comments coming along, but it's just a way of entertaining masses from more important worries and a also a big money making machine.

Be attentive!
Please your senses!

It's as easy as it is simple: Take care of the outside first(drinks, food, sleep and other body functions that will optimize your perfect machine) and go fulfill the inside AFTER(dreams, desires, wants).
You deserve everything you get, because it's all about how you react to what's happening outside.

Crossing the far away bridge,...
...into the fog of the unknown

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Free flowing LOVE ... enjoy the wave

Perfect place for FREE LOVE

It's that time again, where I get to share impressions about travelled places and add a personal touch by sharing a point of view on something afterwards. But first, some stats:

Today, I'm celebrating three quarters of my trip with a little sadness in my heart knowing that this amazing trip will have an end. This last month costed much more than usual, but necessity creates new possibilities.
I have my flight back and if all goes as planned, all my goals should be attained, except for being a teacher.
I should be back "home" in 31 days to see my dad, friends and work. One amazing thing in my life is that I'll get to experience being one of the best man of a really great brother like friend, so thank you, you know who you are...
Motorcycle will be out and routine will show it's boring nose as soon as all these humming birds get to disappear or maybe after this tasty cold local beer.
Right now I'm in Chapada Damantina, which is a jewel of a national park filled with caves, waterfalls and great people. Nothing better to get inspired.
Urgent matters are under control, since I'll have a place to sleep when getting back.
After the last post, I've finally visited and had to spend 5 days on this fantastic nudist beach, enjoying a full portion of freedom. Followed by inspiring Olinda and smooth beaches south of Recife. Then there was a short lived Salvador with Morro de Sao Paulo and here in Chapada Damantina. Tomorrow I'll be heading to Florianopolis, but let's leave the unhappen in its place and concentrate on past presents.

Bathing in LOVE

If you've read until here, please check the pictures from the last two links, since they're world renowned places that you should visit if/when you'll be in this part of the world.

Don't forget to feel the waterfall

I think the images speak for themselves, so I'll leave words out the way of imagination.

Today, I feel like writing about LOVE and it's implications, because I get to see many  use cases for this strange state of mind:

Tiroleza pra paraiso

Every morning we open our eyes to a strange new world and with every second that passes by, memories and habits show themselves to make our life "easier". Sometimes, worries and hurtful feelings are part of the morning package also, but it's all for the purpose of having a better resolution from our life picture.
What would be life without love and "what's love got to do with it"?
Lets just assume that we all have a need of sharing things intimately and bonding with other fellow humans. The obvious source of this process is a programed need to share with other alike souls.

I have three problems with regular society brainwashing love:
1) No expiring date
2) Number of loved ones
3) Forget yourself in the name of love

Amazing food, shrimps and fish

Let's develop my viewpoint on FREE FLOWING LOVE:
1) Do you clearly remember saying the LOVE word to someone dear and some time after, you hated them. Most likely because love and hate are very intimate with each other. If you don't remember, just look at the divorce rate of your city and put yourself in the place of them saying "I will support you forever, until death do us apart"? LOVE is an emotional state that you alone create, it's an addiction for an outside element that you believe will fill your own personal void. It's also a beautiful emotional state if it's shared by the other person. Main key word is TIME, how long it will last. Usually the honeymoon period will last from a week to 18 month and after that passion decreases and ... you know where this is going, you've been there...

Hot pussy

2) You can only love one person and it's immoral to love more at one time... Really, so society has bent your mind into actually believing that your feelings for a second person can't be related to LOVE. Whatever you feel is reality and what people tell you isn't...this goes for what I say also. If you feel that you are in LOVE with 2 people or more, then it's the reality that prevails, knowing that every person is unique and brings you something different(not a competition). Morality is just a society standard that you decide freely to follow or not. You don't have to force yourself to LOVE more, just be free to know that you or others can LOVE more and it's just nature.

Go deeper

3) There this huge myth that you should make sacrifices for the loved one. The reality is touchy and has to do with fear more than with LOVE. The three reason that you'd make sacrifices for someone are:
a) To please them out of REAL LOVE
b) To please them (sign of neediness and insecurities)
b) You're afraid to lose them (sign of neediness and insecurities)
Usually a) happens a lot during honeymoon and much less with time. The problems are b) and c) that like the crusades, do horrible actions in the name of something beautiful.

Butterflies and Clouds ... Beauty and Grace

LOVE is a cloud that dissipates with time. You can multiple colored clouds around you and the colors are just separate dimension that everyone fulfills in your life. Most relations I see are about trapping those coloured clouds with mosquito nets. First the clouds lose their colour and second the smoke dilutes. The more we try to catch it, the more we push it away.

Fill your inner void before chosing someone

You will only be alone if you let fear govern your life and if you stop interacting with others. FREE LOVE is about giving your all in order to experience a sense of bliss with another person that interests you. That person is free to chose at any instant wether thy want to remain in the boat or go float elsewhere in the flow of life.

Bring them down

I see more and more relations hidding behind a mask of LOVE based on material possessions, without any real soul connection and enduring a lots a negative emotional states, just because we try to fulfil this society's image of "LOVE". Why not, as long as you understand it's a system, you're free to chose the path that you believe it's the best.


The best kinds of LOVE are free and filled with vibrating colours. So enjoy the present emotional states, before it ends(because another emotional state will have to replace the current one). Cherish the beauty and grace inside each passionate moment and it will enforce the colour of LOVE. Be open and free and the cloud will get bigger and wider for you to experience new things transporting you over your own self made limitations.

One life, plenty of LOVE to share and souls to be touched, be present and enjoy the colorful cloud...

Let the LOVE flow