Friday, May 16, 2014

You deserve everything you feel in life

The virtual source of reality

I'm on the verge of becoming an outlaw in Brazil, which would make me an outlaw for the third time in a foreign country (Indonesia for overstaying visas arranged with a fine, Argentina for selling a vehicle illegaly 5 years ago arranged with having a second nationalty and now forced to overstay my Brazilian visa for 7 days probably fixed with a fine).
If I'd have to choose one passion in life,... would be to observe,...
...where the sky meets the ocean.

Looking back on this marvelous trip, I can't but feel love for this oversized country bringing together so many different cultures. The costs exceeded expectations mostly because of my uncontrolled desires to accomplish and live intensly all available possibilities. Here are some marvels since the last post:

Sweet engraved memories in the greatest color vibration

Observing my other self in the mirror. Almost 4 months through irregular sleep, gorgeous adventures, chilling on sexy beaches and with the skin worked by the sun... I can't but love and appreciate the effect.
I've been touched by many lifes and shared moments in great company filled with love, beauty, grace and excitement.
If there's one secret about captivating someone like me, it's to keep my mind excited with new beautiful possibilitites that haven't yet been imagined. It's mainly why I travel, to discover the unimagined.

Unexpected beauty

I look at my numerous scars and each has it's own story. This body is a library where life is storing it's books second after second.

Remember when you were amazingly loved in your life or when you felt horribly sad. Now overlap those 2 memories and remember that everything outside your head was the same. You deserve every bit of reality you're feeling, since reality is greatly influenced by your emotional state wich is the only thing over which you have great power.
Some symbols...
...have more effect...
...than others.

Now think about how you'd feel if someone that you care about shows you his love in a deep and caring way....On the opposite side, think about how you'd feel if someone you deeply care and love, betrays your trust and rejects your love in the most horifying way....
Do you see the outside difference? You shouldn't because there isn't any.

It's saner to go through life knowing that emotional states are temporary and don't affect surrounding reality. You won't feel the need to end it all because of a difference between expected outcome nested in your inside world and more important, you'd be more enclined to continue on the "best" path in life.

You are the only ruler of your life through your decisions, meaning that only your actions will get you the results you want(love, bussiness, travels, etc). We give too much power to outside factors when everything really happens inside of us.

This is very important in a world where what is sold is packaged into a dream to make it more addictive or more competitive. Choose your path before others choose it for you or at least understand how the game is played(relations, heath and beauty products, electronics, lifestyle). Fooball for example seems to have an almost religious symbolism at least in this part of the world, aldo it is just a game opposing 11 people of each team trying to get a ball into a big net...I can feel the comments coming along, but it's just a way of entertaining masses from more important worries and a also a big money making machine.

Be attentive!
Please your senses!

It's as easy as it is simple: Take care of the outside first(drinks, food, sleep and other body functions that will optimize your perfect machine) and go fulfill the inside AFTER(dreams, desires, wants).
You deserve everything you get, because it's all about how you react to what's happening outside.

Crossing the far away bridge,...
...into the fog of the unknown

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