Friday, May 30, 2014

Recap while in between waves

Walk until you can't anymore...

We spend most of our life trying to fit some social circle and improving one or another skill because we want to have an edge and sell ourselves better.
Watching cartoons this morning, I clearly remember all my Disney inserted younger values. I wanted to be the good helping guy that leaves when done...a little bit like 'Hobo' the helping dog (another version of a vagabond Lassie). I've clearly achieved exactly that in my own beautiful way.

My extremelly tired smiling self

Let me present my real self:
I see myself as an artist, a life explorer, a lover of the beauty and grace.On the other side, I've been gifted with a German logical side and computer like mathematics skills that help me adapt to every situatio. I love risks and challenges, but not as much as I love life. I've been gifted with a strong, resistant body(amazing genes) that facilitates my exploration of every spot on this planet. Looks like one day I'll have SUPERBABIES.

I used to be a shy kid, never really being aware of the effect I had on women, although always had a few aroun. The idea of a single partne is such an alien concept to me, but I understand and respect it in others. I love women with every singe cell in my body and when I'm in the graceful company of one, she's the only flower intoxicating me with her exotic smell, but as soon as the infinite moment ends and she leaves...
No extra comments needed...

Sometimes it's hard to feel the scent of a woman through the petals she unconsciously puts in the way. If you think I've ignored you in the past, maybe you had a petal up, so I strongly advise that next time you grab my attention...nothing beats interesting conversation ... unless ... it's a seductive mind.

With this in mind, A MILLION THANKS to all the beautiful creatures that have opened their loving arms and have engraved their names in my heart forever. Let's hope our dusty paths will meet again for new unspoken adventures.

Albums with pics since last post:

Stefan Tajti playing everybody's emotional chords with his violin in our hoste in Rio

A little something about death:
With all this adventure, I'm aware that my chances of not existing are incresed and I accept that risk gladly if it allows me to experience life in it's purest form. This being said, if my life ends and you feel like you should respect my memory, please get out from your routine and tell your loved ones how you feel about them in the most passionate and loving manner (just don't do anything I wouldn't do...virtually nothing).

One free beautiful life

Partial blog from a tired night:
Left Rio with two tears in each eye, because of such wonderful and special people. These two and many more opened up from normal standards and we had beautifully sparked adventures. Travel dipped in passion, caring and affection, perfect recipe for Free Love, giving everything to the moment and bringing down our invisible walls. This is what I have always preached for. Give without expecting, be honest and explore whatever common desires are matched. How can you lose someone if you HAVEN'T misplaced them first.

Surrounded by feminine energy...

What a crazy ride it was from Macapa to the border with a crazy pick-up that killed its passenger's backs in the last 150km of the 700. The good news, I got flirted with by two lovely females and one not only kissed me but also gave me a hand job while the others where too busy looking away or sleeping. Right after she said she had a 50 years old boyfriend for her youngish 20 years. I love this place. Also, the night before I had to turn down, not one, not two, not three, but four gorgeous girls from Tinder that all insisted to come to my hotel room later. I was too tired after a long ride from Rio and before today's messy adventure...

Watch where you put your foot, because your body will follow

Life is what you make out of it, Pierre-Emmanuel Dénès :
A year ago, I was coming back also tired from a 4 month tour around Europe. It was an exiting experience through my colder birth place. I open the door of my apartment just to find a dirty mess. Pierre-Emmanuel Dénès with whom I signed a temporary furnished lease (went through a lot to make it legal) had left damages, missing property and almost everything inside was dirty (and I still have the pictures to prove it). To this day, he hadn't paid anything and in his letters he chose arrogance instead of good human behaviour. Now being a year later, I can only say that you get the results of your previous choices. That bad experience allowed me to get rid of that place and I'll move into a more central one soon. I've travelled the world again and at the last news he was begging for money in the street. Let it be a lesson for whoever thinks that their decisions have no impact on their future. No matter if Karma exists or not, a reputation is very easy to dirty our days with the power of the Internet.

Nice waves

Quick recap:
Started this trip 4 months ago, thinking that I was going to spent at least 2 months in the same spot, Jericoacoara, surfing, learning Capoeira, learning Samba and teaching kids. I overspent and chose instead to visit Brazil in all it's migthyness, at least the whole coast. Nothing revives my heart like a tropical beach with good visibility or waves or both. I've met people from around the world and my Portunol is perfect...
Unfortunately, during this trip, I crossed without meeting at least 5 previously met cool free souls, but I had the short and lovely opportunity to meet one of them, Sarah.

Sarah, who has one cool artist surfer boyfriend living in treeless tree house

I've learned that there's a machine that can accelerate the healing process and it's funny because I've learn that from a veterinarian. I tried teaching passively and after about 5 failed attempts, I've decided to get back to the beach. I've spent most of my time surrounded by lovely people and learned that Tinder is a great 'hook-up' application, that I haven't used a this trip. One big thanks to Google Maps for getting me home safely.

Surrounding by amazing people

Samba should be made a sport and not a dance, also it has the great side-effect of giving you an ass of steel. Capoeira looks amazing, but it require such core strength and flexibility that it's aimed to super slim muscular type of people. Always great to try it, sometimes attitude counts.
I've fallen in LOVE with a country and it's people(unless we have to wait in line)...

Let me hug so you so hard, so HARD...that it will break your fears!

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