Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Spreading the Chimichurri

I don't know about you, but I find that food taste better with spices. One problem, is that from time to time, I exaggerate the amounts therefore having feeling a little sweaty unpleasantness. Another problem is that regular food seems dull in general after these exotic meals.

We are what we eat... since food is the source of energy of our body, it's reasonable to consider that what goes in has an impact on our emotional states(what we perceive as life). 

Real taste is disconnected from the eyes and had it's purpose (most likely) to warn us about possible damaging foods. With time and lack of danger, we've learn to taste the texture and colors, more than with the taste buds....
We appreciate things like the name(reputation) of a product/cook/restaurant, together with the surrounding presentation and ambiance in which we distill our emotional states.
We're hypnotized to feel a dream or relive an engineered past moment instead of just using our tasting buds in the moment.

Modern life is a man made constant dream. We bathe in the mass media clouds, indulging in what their(yours, if it's your line of work) joined efforts cook for us. In the end who's to say that the feeling we get from the taste is better than the one we get from the dream we've adhered to.
Knowing this, the logical next step should be to get the best immersion system money can get and let my feeling fortress be assaulted by other's high rank creations...but somehow...
There's a certain pleasure to creating and being the architect in any way of the surrounding Matrix. Why be a Don Quijote, when you can steer and navigate the general common flow into the unknown wavy ocean of eternity.

You look around and compare your own influenced expectations with the unpredictable real world. How do we build those inner expectations that eventually lead our modernity into the breakdown abyss (more and more work-related burnouts in a society where poverty is kept to a minimum)?

The answer is in the recipe, we keep putting spices in the dishes we cook for others, thus trying to addict them(marketing) to our own dish. We package our meals to ensure our chain in the society's link, injecting into others our chimichurri abundantly. The problem resides in how easy we adapt to new things, because we feel happy, alive, challenged when change takes place.

Let's assume that most people can only make one particular plate, then the way of changing and keep people hooked is to add more spice, leading to ... 

Personally, I love the end of autumn because it provides the space favorable for a spice desintox and although it seems though and tasteless, everything will taste better in next cycle reset in spring.

Learn to enjoy a spice-less meal and you're set to love all future dishes.

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