Sunday, February 5, 2017

Planning you life adventure

Hey reader, usually  I like to share personal adventures, but I'll start this blog differently. Because if you've read this, it means you have imagined yourself in the traveler's shoes and here's how to achieve it:
Cut loose all of your attachments/addictions:

  • Loved ones (best friends, family, partner)
  • Money making activities leaving a good safety on the side
  • Debt making possessions (house, vehicles, etc)

Probably 90% of your reticence to leave for adventure is caused by one of those 3.

The most important aspect of, life in general, is keeping the machine in good shape, so go get vaccinated for EVERYTHING. It's worth the money and the time. Do some workout and drink enough water. Also get a travel insurance, it will be worth your money if you get sick.

Put some money on the side. I'd go with around 2000USD per month to cover for plane, shelter, food and party. It can get much more expensive but also cheaper, especially if you get involved in community work or woofing. will also help you if you feel the desire to stay at people's houses and get to know other people when you travel.

Google flight, and are amazing to find cheap flights., and are amazing to find you the right accommodation.
Uber now seems to work in most places.
Try to look up the necessary visas you need ahead of time, especially if you want to stay longer somewhere.

After this trip, I'll have been in over 95 countries around the globe, so feel free to contact me with any questions about a country you'd like to visit and I'd love to help with you going after your dreams.


Once upon a time man needed boundaries and created beautiful useful concepts like:
  • God: to explain the unknown
  • Religion: to establish some order and general behavior rules
  • Monogamous heterosexual couple: in order to pass riches down generation
The important thing is to remember that the 3 above points are MAN MADE concepts and that reality is really what you feel even if it goes against a man made concept.

Here are a couple of funny travels facts:
  • Only in Philippines and Vatican, you can't divorce if you marry. Funny that "Filipinos" are as Catholic as the pope.
  • In Indonesia, your religion is written on your ID and you can't marry someone from another religion. It's part of the law.
  • Indonesia doesn't recognize Judaism as a religion.
  • In Bangladesh, you can't be in the same hotel room with a person of the opposite sex, unless you can provide the marriage papers.
As a good friend would say, different places, different game, so I follow the local rules and stay out of trouble.

This trip has been a nice mixture of pleasure and business. Got a great interview in HK, found some very interesting opportunities in Taiwan, lots of Start-Ups in Bali, where I'll return to investigate further. Met 2 company bosses in Nepal and possibly soon in Bangladesh and New Zealand.

It all started with a one night of free hotel transit in Beijing where Google and Facebook are blocked. 
Busy and efficient HK with lots of foods and an incredible amount of things to see, do and buy. 
Then clean and ordered Taiwan with its lovely people that don't speak much English but are very warm once the ice is broken.
Amazing Bali that never really let me down with its waves and many things to see and do. Always a party or a place to hang out, harassed by prostitutes, drug dealers and much more. Also love driving a scooter there, because it's madness takes you on the sidewalk and sometimes against traffic at full speed. Cimaja with brother Bobby is always a pleasure, but things change and we evolve, so I wish you all the best brother.
Jakarta and Bogor are not so interesting and without the people there, it wouldn't be worth it.
Now Nepal is like Bali without the beach. Everybody harasses you and has something to offer, which most likely I'm not interested. Also, the Nepalese people are very warm and friendly but also don't have a notion of personal space or privacy which sometimes transpires in nosy questions.
Bangladesh has an infrastructure that is better than Nepal. New cars, tall buildings, good roads but also insane never ending traffic, constant pollution and dust. The most annoying sloth-like immigration officers that took 2 hours to charge me the insane travel preventing amount of 51USD for a visa on arrival. Like another good friend told me, I'm the only dumb bastard that found it's way in Bangladesh and on top of making it a pleasant experience, the initial touch was mind melting. Although the food is okay and there might be some things to visit, you might as well go to famous and dirty Nepal in another season than winter and should enjoy a better experience. Also, it's better if you go with someone to Nepal or Bangladesh. This will make your experience more fun since CS isn't at its best over there.
For now, I just can't wait to meet a cool biker couple in New Zealand, where I decided to rent a car instead of a motorcycle for availability reasons.

Once again, all I can hope is that my stories will inspire you to have a more open mind and follow your own dreams. Your questions are welcome and your feedback is appreciated.

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