Monday, March 6, 2017

37 hits

Nothing like a bit of cold and dirty Nepal, followed by dirty and hot Bangladesh, followed by expensively clean, modern and civilized New Zealand, then amazing tropical Bali and very jungle tropical basic Timor that reminds me of the English Guyana without the violence.

Time keeps stepping in its predefined direction like a migratory bird. I certainly hope I've made my genes proud, succeeding in school, succeeding with the career, succeeding with world exploration and even in the partner searching department. Maybe I tend to overachieve in certain departments and put extra pressure for no obvious reason, but then again don't we all? Maybe my genes would just love to play around with a grandson and have me more attentive to them. Maybe....

Are you living in a loop? Do you feel like your life is passing you by, that you're never really in control of yourself? Waking up tired, altering your tired body with caffeine/sugar/cigarettes/etc to get up on the strong foot.... Funny but I've been traveling for almost 3 months now and I still feel that the coffee is important, that my body is tired, that I feel lonely and can't really connect with people.

Either way, it would be great to take 60 minutes of your time to reflect on how life is recently and in what direction to maneuver it. In those 60 minutes, the first 20 should be to stretch and relax, the second 20 minutes should be to provide the body with light food and lots of water. The last 20 minutes should be to plant the seed of self-reflection.

Here's what came out of mine:
  1. I book all my time in order not to feel the lack of self-reflection. Always on my cell phone or on my new computer or on tv when I get the chance. Basically, I'm not comfortable with silence or also known as myself.
  2. I feel that this is more common than most people would like to admit and it's that we feel lonely and don't seem to connect to other human beings. The few we respect, admire and trust seem to be unreachable. I sincerely feel that I lack a real life partner with whom to share all my adventures, but in retrospective, I wouldn't be able to have achieved all of my trips in the comfort of a loving heart-bonding soul. I travel sort of to find myself or at least to explore what I have to offer. Now with the 37 candles, I see that my energy is more limited and my body has its limitations. I'm sincerely not happy of losing my youth indestructibility but there's no point in fighting the inevitable and also time to find new things to explore. More people get animals so they don't need to feel the discomfort of dealing with other humans. It seems to happen more when the weight of times greatens.
  3. Look for new business ways to generate money, since I feel that half of me is an investor now as opposed to the worker. Maybe even invest in raising the lifestyle bar instead of revenues.
Steps to take:
  1. Establish limits on my sweet technology addiction by taking walks, doing yoga and meditation, by muting it or putting it away
  2. Find a more durable partner with a taste for adventure with whom the relation would grow and we'd push each other in the right direction. Also, organize or participate into more social and cultural events with like minded people
  3. Brainstorm with like minded people on how to achieve a better income on investment or how to better manage the spending.
  4. Stop wasting time on things that don't impact me directly, like politics, religious beliefs. Everybody is entitled to their opinion and to any argument there’s a counter argument.
Since I’m talking about long life partners, some could be curious as of my tastes. I’ve had enough experience to define better what I would need in the longer run.
  • Not crazy: I understand that woman live on a constant monthly cycle and sometimes emotions could be overwhelming, but that’s no excuse to be a bully. Communicate and I’d be happy to help or get away for a while. The goal is to enrich our time together and grow.
  • Good with money: I did a favor to a poor girl(my ex-wife) before and it came to bit me back in the ass, so heartbreaking sad stories don’t compensate for reality. I’m expecting her to be good at managing money and by definition not poor, not a princess and not a shopaholic. She’d be possibly the mom of our kids and if something happens to me I need someone that I can count on.
  • Good family values: I’m a bit too independent and I’d like someone to compensate for that. Good warm family and good values would be more than welcome.
  • Adventurous: don’t aspire to be a home mom, it feels like such a lazy way to waste life. Have a career, have a taste for adventure and exploring the world that we could share and try.
  • Love pets: I’m definitely getting a Pug :P
  • Cuddle: because I wouldn’t be able to live without cuddles from the one that has my heart
  • Normal stuff: cute, witty, funny, easygoing but punctual and very sexual since we’d be friends without those

By the way, I’m not interested in marriage. We all have the right to change our minds and wasting resources on lawyers is a pain in the ass since at best we agree and still have to pay for notary fee. If we actually grow together and it’s pleasant to come home, then why would anybody go wander around?

In resume, what would be a good mind in a good body with a good bank account without someone great to share it with?

Your feedback, comments or questions are more than welcome at my personal email

I’m always happy to share my knowledge and views of the world.


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