Thursday, May 1, 2014

Free flowing LOVE ... enjoy the wave

Perfect place for FREE LOVE

It's that time again, where I get to share impressions about travelled places and add a personal touch by sharing a point of view on something afterwards. But first, some stats:

Today, I'm celebrating three quarters of my trip with a little sadness in my heart knowing that this amazing trip will have an end. This last month costed much more than usual, but necessity creates new possibilities.
I have my flight back and if all goes as planned, all my goals should be attained, except for being a teacher.
I should be back "home" in 31 days to see my dad, friends and work. One amazing thing in my life is that I'll get to experience being one of the best man of a really great brother like friend, so thank you, you know who you are...
Motorcycle will be out and routine will show it's boring nose as soon as all these humming birds get to disappear or maybe after this tasty cold local beer.
Right now I'm in Chapada Damantina, which is a jewel of a national park filled with caves, waterfalls and great people. Nothing better to get inspired.
Urgent matters are under control, since I'll have a place to sleep when getting back.
After the last post, I've finally visited and had to spend 5 days on this fantastic nudist beach, enjoying a full portion of freedom. Followed by inspiring Olinda and smooth beaches south of Recife. Then there was a short lived Salvador with Morro de Sao Paulo and here in Chapada Damantina. Tomorrow I'll be heading to Florianopolis, but let's leave the unhappen in its place and concentrate on past presents.

Bathing in LOVE

If you've read until here, please check the pictures from the last two links, since they're world renowned places that you should visit if/when you'll be in this part of the world.

Don't forget to feel the waterfall

I think the images speak for themselves, so I'll leave words out the way of imagination.

Today, I feel like writing about LOVE and it's implications, because I get to see many  use cases for this strange state of mind:

Tiroleza pra paraiso

Every morning we open our eyes to a strange new world and with every second that passes by, memories and habits show themselves to make our life "easier". Sometimes, worries and hurtful feelings are part of the morning package also, but it's all for the purpose of having a better resolution from our life picture.
What would be life without love and "what's love got to do with it"?
Lets just assume that we all have a need of sharing things intimately and bonding with other fellow humans. The obvious source of this process is a programed need to share with other alike souls.

I have three problems with regular society brainwashing love:
1) No expiring date
2) Number of loved ones
3) Forget yourself in the name of love

Amazing food, shrimps and fish

Let's develop my viewpoint on FREE FLOWING LOVE:
1) Do you clearly remember saying the LOVE word to someone dear and some time after, you hated them. Most likely because love and hate are very intimate with each other. If you don't remember, just look at the divorce rate of your city and put yourself in the place of them saying "I will support you forever, until death do us apart"? LOVE is an emotional state that you alone create, it's an addiction for an outside element that you believe will fill your own personal void. It's also a beautiful emotional state if it's shared by the other person. Main key word is TIME, how long it will last. Usually the honeymoon period will last from a week to 18 month and after that passion decreases and ... you know where this is going, you've been there...

Hot pussy

2) You can only love one person and it's immoral to love more at one time... Really, so society has bent your mind into actually believing that your feelings for a second person can't be related to LOVE. Whatever you feel is reality and what people tell you isn't...this goes for what I say also. If you feel that you are in LOVE with 2 people or more, then it's the reality that prevails, knowing that every person is unique and brings you something different(not a competition). Morality is just a society standard that you decide freely to follow or not. You don't have to force yourself to LOVE more, just be free to know that you or others can LOVE more and it's just nature.

Go deeper

3) There this huge myth that you should make sacrifices for the loved one. The reality is touchy and has to do with fear more than with LOVE. The three reason that you'd make sacrifices for someone are:
a) To please them out of REAL LOVE
b) To please them (sign of neediness and insecurities)
b) You're afraid to lose them (sign of neediness and insecurities)
Usually a) happens a lot during honeymoon and much less with time. The problems are b) and c) that like the crusades, do horrible actions in the name of something beautiful.

Butterflies and Clouds ... Beauty and Grace

LOVE is a cloud that dissipates with time. You can multiple colored clouds around you and the colors are just separate dimension that everyone fulfills in your life. Most relations I see are about trapping those coloured clouds with mosquito nets. First the clouds lose their colour and second the smoke dilutes. The more we try to catch it, the more we push it away.

Fill your inner void before chosing someone

You will only be alone if you let fear govern your life and if you stop interacting with others. FREE LOVE is about giving your all in order to experience a sense of bliss with another person that interests you. That person is free to chose at any instant wether thy want to remain in the boat or go float elsewhere in the flow of life.

Bring them down

I see more and more relations hidding behind a mask of LOVE based on material possessions, without any real soul connection and enduring a lots a negative emotional states, just because we try to fulfil this society's image of "LOVE". Why not, as long as you understand it's a system, you're free to chose the path that you believe it's the best.


The best kinds of LOVE are free and filled with vibrating colours. So enjoy the present emotional states, before it ends(because another emotional state will have to replace the current one). Cherish the beauty and grace inside each passionate moment and it will enforce the colour of LOVE. Be open and free and the cloud will get bigger and wider for you to experience new things transporting you over your own self made limitations.

One life, plenty of LOVE to share and souls to be touched, be present and enjoy the colorful cloud...

Let the LOVE flow

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