Monday, March 18, 2013

The forth dimension

On a train to a strange destination. It feels like reading 5 books at once and experiencing deeply each one of them. Unattached strings of deep connection, followed by beautiful places and topped with amazing memories lived in the current moment.
A week ago, I erased myself mysteriously in order to take 3 days and create according to a future objective and I loved the experience. Maybe that was the seed of a short book.
There was those 2 brilliant days working metal with bare hands at Xavier's dad shop. I've realized that we're already lucky anywhere we are, but same as love its only delimited in time and it gets filtered with time. I don't know about others, but I need NEW experiences in order to "FEEL" them.
South of France has amazing weather, its close to the water, the metal artistry shop is great to stay in shape and feel creative, but eventually worries and boredom sneak in and ...
I've accepted the idea of never being happy doing one thing, so as long as I caress another life's side, I'll feel like I'm using my perfect machine for a good purpose.
A great person gave me a definition of love after seeing me trying to struggle with the concept. Here's how it goes:
Two bodies that fit together, in pleasure or affection while their souls vibrate on the same frequency.
This person also said that love isn't something you trap, its simply something you experience when it makes itself present.
I realised that I didn't write since Barcelona and many things happened since. There is Wapa and her very warm family that were angels placed on my path. There was young student Glasgow and old dynamic Edinburgh where I got to hear some really spooky old stories about the sad past of very warm and smily Scottish people. Their wisky is just fantastic and different.
There was small Dublin with its warm SkyBackpackers hostel where you feel like in a family except for a crazy American that almost took my head off for good reason, which goes to prove that I can't make all the ladies happy (drugs users and daddy issues stay away).
There was Galway where I spent the smoothest birthday eating a kinder surprise and enjoying the memories from my first one in Spain. There were tall cliffs, ruined castles, a young Julia Roberts, an Irish princess and a video made of me giving an interview about a hostal on the web. There was Temple bar, filled with drunk skirts, there was a salsa night where a 60 years old lady with red hair stole the show(same like Curuxina). This trip is filled with surreal memories.
There was the ferry romance, followed by "scared" sheep and a huge London waiting to swallow and bury dreams. Met two VERY cool travel friends that made me laugh in 2 days more than I laughed in 4 years(since I last saw them). I already miss you guys. Had the chance to see a coworker that moved in rainy London and shared great vibes over babyfoot(fooseball).
If feels great to play with 4th dimension and years replace seconds. Geneva and Munich are great clean high standard cities with high prices. For St-Patrick's I've seen a cool friend from paradise and he showed me around. Eventually St-Patrick showed me the way home when my body and mind almost failed me. No more excess for a while.

Back to time traveling(fourth dimension) after a day of break.

1 comment:

  1. Am citit si mi-a placut cum descrii evenimentele si experientele pe care le-ai trait. De fapt acum vreau sa-ti anexez un citat din caracterizarea celor nascuti pe 5 martie, este deci numai o parte din ce scrie: "Printr-o introspectie profunda, cei nascuti in aceasta zi pot scoate la iveala slabiciunile, lipsurile si nesiguranta celorlalti provocând un mare impact asupra lor... In mod deloc surprinzator, cei nascuti la aceasa data par sa isi traiasca viata mai intens decât altii. De asemenea, ramân deschisi pentru o larga varietate de experiente in comparatie cu majoriatea oamenilor... Deoarece se intâmpla adesea sa varieze foarte mult relatiile personale, cei nascuti in aceasta zi pot ajunge sa se simta singuri si sa se intrebe daca vor gasi vreodata persoana potrivita. Cei care reusesc sa-si dea seama ca lipsa satisfactiei se datoreste propriei lor naturi dificile au o sansa in plus de a face schimbarile necesare. Acestia isi vor simplifica viata emotionala si vor obtine satisfactii importante..." Que te parece?


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