Saturday, March 2, 2013

I'm realizing that I love understanding my surrounding and a small part of me is unhappy because I keep putting myself in places where I don't belong in order to adapt and learn. Lucky for me, the bigger part keeps feeding my thirst for adventure(yes I said feeding my thirst and its perfectly exact).
As long as I keep both sides happy my will keeps pushing my feet forward. The other morning, I actually felt at home in the  clouds of Arthur's seat in Edinburgh. It was a regular spooky morning where clouds united with the steep mountain I decided to mount half-awake. Apparently when the clouds dissipate, the view is unberable. Instead, I kept fogging myself deeper and deeper following the hardened path and the cloudy sun. Eventually I couldn't see 5 feet in front of myself and something occurred. It was strange moment, probably caused by the extra drinks from the previous night. I was in state, it was ... I felt inner peace, I listened instead of expecting, I felt. It was pure love uniting everything, worlds, ghosts, aliens, gods, all united at once in the fog of my mind. My comfort side united with the wild one for a infinite moment and it was...a filling experience like the few we climb the Everest for.
I love writing, its a lovely passion and if anybody's inspired by it, I feel even more grateful, but describing that moment is ...Paulo Coelho describes it well in the Aleph.

Try this, breath 3 times as deeply as you can.
On the first breath, just try to observe your surroundings. Direct you focus towards parts where you never looked.
On the second, use your sense of smell, get as precise as you can with each moments that goes by. Sniff every tiny odor that you can detect.
On the third, use your hearing, more specifically concentrate on the light sounds of the background. Keep going deeper.
...And this is why we use only 10% of our brains...Now repeat after me: "Welcome awareness!"

Each moment is unique and I've been trying to anticipate and predict future possibilities when all I had to do was enjoy. I'm 33 in 4 days(maybe less when I post this) and I'm not free, but getting closer every day. Is success based on how many people want to fill their emtynes with you? Is it the other way around, meaning on how many people you want to fill your emptynes with?
I forgot to be a kid, I put weights on my shoulder to impress, but who am I? Through the eyes of my own mask, I see painted faces on hard walls. I see a lot of loneliness in the name of the "ego" image. I see poor people act like rich, I see sad people act happy, I see that I kept my eyes closed ...
I hurt to protect an image... A sensible soft side guarded by the walls of experience.

Everything is real if it makes sense in your inner interpretation of this world? So maybe all this time, where I see masks and chains, I'm just seeing my own fears and scars. Maybe I should look towards the happy new travelers or passionate people building their dreams piece by piece. Maybe I should be inspired by the fantastic stories about the fabulous places I go to. Maybe I should look at trees grow and see how complex and beautiful this world is.

I have a little confession to make and that is that I've been secretely a seduction coach in "" for over 3 years now, mostly because I've been fascinated with the subject of human dynamics, self-marketing and conquering my own inner fears. I've been "studying" this subject and practiced the many theories available. In the following part I'll describe the process through which one can succeed in selling himself.

If keeping a relation isn't hard enough, its even harder to start one...or is it...
Lets say one's goal is to start an interactions with another human being, what is necessary?
You know the answer and I hear you saying "But what if...?" Take a freaking chance.
Most people's problem is that they stop themselves and you will do the same? Self-confidence and will are your best assets.
First of all you should start moving as soon as you see your desired possible buyer? Go ahead, with your best image and do something...anything.
Practice your image to look sharp and relaxed or however you want to look. I can hear you again "But what about being myself?" Really? How does your true self looks and why don't you use him? Use anything, just go.
Here is what I could do for you as a seduction coach:
1) Improve your image to look out of the ordinary(only if you're ready to change)
2) Find 5-10 phrases that will break the ice in case your mind fucks you over at the last minute
3) Find 5-10 conversations about your passions, tastes, etc that will be used to promote yourself and increase your product's value
4) Understand the process of seduction
5) See the signs that the other one is interested and know when to pull your move
6) How to get her to commit to you instead of the opposite
7) Live examples

Here's what I can't do for you:
1) Remove your ego
2) Give you will power
3) Decide for you

In the end, our bigger enemy is ourselves and that is because we keep protecting ourselves unconsciously? Find the protection and give it an alternative. Think of the worst and best possibilities. Give it a honest try. Keep a logbook. Use professional help. Some resources are limited in this world and some things are worth paying for.
On top of that, money doesn't change the fact that any change takes work, effort and constant focus.

Welcome to eternal improvement.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the beautiful world of awareness and freedom. "So maybe all this time, where I see masks and chains, I'm just seeing my own fears and scars. ". Priceless!
    When we realize that NOTHING belong to us, we come to realization that there is nothing to lose. Then we can let go. Coz... Nothing really matters? EGO? What the hell is that? We can achieve much more with an open heart and kids eyes, stuffed with wonder. Break the rules, live your dreams and keep on increasing the % of the brain used. You can do it and make a difference in this dull world full of fears, tears and endless egos... Bravo kiddo! xx


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