Monday, March 25, 2013

Lost oceans, Priceless advice, Driver seats and Real desires

Leaving Munich with river surfing in my eyes and green beer still in my blood. Prague was just beautiful with renovated architecture surpasses only by the grandeur of Vienna. These cities feel like the past has lost itself in the present. I sat down next to a river in Vienna and unleashed my mind free to wonder around in the flavours of time. Local dishes and hot wine made their way to my taste captors which completed the fulfilment of the senses. It was beautiful and if you know anything about architecture or history, I strongly suggest you make your way in these amazing places. But, for a sensible soul like me, the human contact is really what I look for and touring alone is not the best way to achieve it. I decided to stay 2 days in modest Bratislava in order to do laundry and connect with people. In that moment, I would have never guesses that I was going to lose myself at sea (twice) and come back filled with a new energy and vision. It does have tasty food and good prices but in my case destiny answered my calls and brought me my element in a new form.
I love to discuss about life and every time I just realize that my version of things is perfect and my close mind persists in being right. I do understand why I love being close-minded, its because anybody can give advice but if I find that their life is shitty on my standards, then their advice becomes rotten and looses its purpose. When somebody's on a pedestal, his words are filled with wise double meanings that make sense in your world. So my advice to you is to ignore any advice from me.
Talking about influences, I'm seriously considering retiring from the "real" world. No more FB, no more G+, no more Twits, no more funny-stupid videos, no more time-wasting, energy-consuming, brain-washing, creation-killer....but not quite feels reassuring to look at your FB page and see that I'm not alone....just adding this task on my life's to do list.
In life there's a balance between the stress from being in the driver seat and the chilling from holding a trust hand. For example every time I arrive in a new city, I'm driving, stressed by the unknown and my precious cargo that I have to deposit into the secure Hostel. I drive to find street names in foreign languages and drive to avoid getting robbed in a world filled with horrible outcomes. Eventually the trusty hostel hand comes in, gives me a map, explains the customs and takes care of my valuables so I can chill and enjoy the tourist tips and find new chilling partners. I absolutely love both sides.

I've been suggested that I should write what I want from life. What a great question, so lets see how deep the rabbit hole goes...
First thing that comes in mind is money, it represents open doors with exciting possibilities.
Second thing comes power, over who, to do what? Then there's freedom. From what, what can I do with it more than I do now?
All this assuming that health is already in place because its the most important thing, especially when its missing. Now, if I really think about my first two choices, its just stuff that will guarantee the positive results of any decision that I make, so what is it really what I want from life?
I love to care and love. I love to feel cared for and being loved. I love pleasure and affection. It doesn't really matter the road that I take, but it does matter the company in which I am. Its not even important what discussions we have, but it is extremely important what is communicated. All I need in this life is a modest comfy place in a hot weather country, cool friends with whom I connect and a couple of cool girlfriends.

It feels great to have a clean windshield on a car.

Love from Budapest,

Monday, March 18, 2013

The forth dimension

On a train to a strange destination. It feels like reading 5 books at once and experiencing deeply each one of them. Unattached strings of deep connection, followed by beautiful places and topped with amazing memories lived in the current moment.
A week ago, I erased myself mysteriously in order to take 3 days and create according to a future objective and I loved the experience. Maybe that was the seed of a short book.
There was those 2 brilliant days working metal with bare hands at Xavier's dad shop. I've realized that we're already lucky anywhere we are, but same as love its only delimited in time and it gets filtered with time. I don't know about others, but I need NEW experiences in order to "FEEL" them.
South of France has amazing weather, its close to the water, the metal artistry shop is great to stay in shape and feel creative, but eventually worries and boredom sneak in and ...
I've accepted the idea of never being happy doing one thing, so as long as I caress another life's side, I'll feel like I'm using my perfect machine for a good purpose.
A great person gave me a definition of love after seeing me trying to struggle with the concept. Here's how it goes:
Two bodies that fit together, in pleasure or affection while their souls vibrate on the same frequency.
This person also said that love isn't something you trap, its simply something you experience when it makes itself present.
I realised that I didn't write since Barcelona and many things happened since. There is Wapa and her very warm family that were angels placed on my path. There was young student Glasgow and old dynamic Edinburgh where I got to hear some really spooky old stories about the sad past of very warm and smily Scottish people. Their wisky is just fantastic and different.
There was small Dublin with its warm SkyBackpackers hostel where you feel like in a family except for a crazy American that almost took my head off for good reason, which goes to prove that I can't make all the ladies happy (drugs users and daddy issues stay away).
There was Galway where I spent the smoothest birthday eating a kinder surprise and enjoying the memories from my first one in Spain. There were tall cliffs, ruined castles, a young Julia Roberts, an Irish princess and a video made of me giving an interview about a hostal on the web. There was Temple bar, filled with drunk skirts, there was a salsa night where a 60 years old lady with red hair stole the show(same like Curuxina). This trip is filled with surreal memories.
There was the ferry romance, followed by "scared" sheep and a huge London waiting to swallow and bury dreams. Met two VERY cool travel friends that made me laugh in 2 days more than I laughed in 4 years(since I last saw them). I already miss you guys. Had the chance to see a coworker that moved in rainy London and shared great vibes over babyfoot(fooseball).
If feels great to play with 4th dimension and years replace seconds. Geneva and Munich are great clean high standard cities with high prices. For St-Patrick's I've seen a cool friend from paradise and he showed me around. Eventually St-Patrick showed me the way home when my body and mind almost failed me. No more excess for a while.

Back to time traveling(fourth dimension) after a day of break.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

I'm realizing that I love understanding my surrounding and a small part of me is unhappy because I keep putting myself in places where I don't belong in order to adapt and learn. Lucky for me, the bigger part keeps feeding my thirst for adventure(yes I said feeding my thirst and its perfectly exact).
As long as I keep both sides happy my will keeps pushing my feet forward. The other morning, I actually felt at home in the  clouds of Arthur's seat in Edinburgh. It was a regular spooky morning where clouds united with the steep mountain I decided to mount half-awake. Apparently when the clouds dissipate, the view is unberable. Instead, I kept fogging myself deeper and deeper following the hardened path and the cloudy sun. Eventually I couldn't see 5 feet in front of myself and something occurred. It was strange moment, probably caused by the extra drinks from the previous night. I was in state, it was ... I felt inner peace, I listened instead of expecting, I felt. It was pure love uniting everything, worlds, ghosts, aliens, gods, all united at once in the fog of my mind. My comfort side united with the wild one for a infinite moment and it was...a filling experience like the few we climb the Everest for.
I love writing, its a lovely passion and if anybody's inspired by it, I feel even more grateful, but describing that moment is ...Paulo Coelho describes it well in the Aleph.

Try this, breath 3 times as deeply as you can.
On the first breath, just try to observe your surroundings. Direct you focus towards parts where you never looked.
On the second, use your sense of smell, get as precise as you can with each moments that goes by. Sniff every tiny odor that you can detect.
On the third, use your hearing, more specifically concentrate on the light sounds of the background. Keep going deeper.
...And this is why we use only 10% of our brains...Now repeat after me: "Welcome awareness!"

Each moment is unique and I've been trying to anticipate and predict future possibilities when all I had to do was enjoy. I'm 33 in 4 days(maybe less when I post this) and I'm not free, but getting closer every day. Is success based on how many people want to fill their emtynes with you? Is it the other way around, meaning on how many people you want to fill your emptynes with?
I forgot to be a kid, I put weights on my shoulder to impress, but who am I? Through the eyes of my own mask, I see painted faces on hard walls. I see a lot of loneliness in the name of the "ego" image. I see poor people act like rich, I see sad people act happy, I see that I kept my eyes closed ...
I hurt to protect an image... A sensible soft side guarded by the walls of experience.

Everything is real if it makes sense in your inner interpretation of this world? So maybe all this time, where I see masks and chains, I'm just seeing my own fears and scars. Maybe I should look towards the happy new travelers or passionate people building their dreams piece by piece. Maybe I should be inspired by the fantastic stories about the fabulous places I go to. Maybe I should look at trees grow and see how complex and beautiful this world is.

I have a little confession to make and that is that I've been secretely a seduction coach in "" for over 3 years now, mostly because I've been fascinated with the subject of human dynamics, self-marketing and conquering my own inner fears. I've been "studying" this subject and practiced the many theories available. In the following part I'll describe the process through which one can succeed in selling himself.

If keeping a relation isn't hard enough, its even harder to start one...or is it...
Lets say one's goal is to start an interactions with another human being, what is necessary?
You know the answer and I hear you saying "But what if...?" Take a freaking chance.
Most people's problem is that they stop themselves and you will do the same? Self-confidence and will are your best assets.
First of all you should start moving as soon as you see your desired possible buyer? Go ahead, with your best image and do something...anything.
Practice your image to look sharp and relaxed or however you want to look. I can hear you again "But what about being myself?" Really? How does your true self looks and why don't you use him? Use anything, just go.
Here is what I could do for you as a seduction coach:
1) Improve your image to look out of the ordinary(only if you're ready to change)
2) Find 5-10 phrases that will break the ice in case your mind fucks you over at the last minute
3) Find 5-10 conversations about your passions, tastes, etc that will be used to promote yourself and increase your product's value
4) Understand the process of seduction
5) See the signs that the other one is interested and know when to pull your move
6) How to get her to commit to you instead of the opposite
7) Live examples

Here's what I can't do for you:
1) Remove your ego
2) Give you will power
3) Decide for you

In the end, our bigger enemy is ourselves and that is because we keep protecting ourselves unconsciously? Find the protection and give it an alternative. Think of the worst and best possibilities. Give it a honest try. Keep a logbook. Use professional help. Some resources are limited in this world and some things are worth paying for.
On top of that, money doesn't change the fact that any change takes work, effort and constant focus.

Welcome to eternal improvement.