Thursday, February 2, 2012

From Bali with love

Finally had a long vacation since the beginning of this amazing adventure and loved it. Surfed in one of the greatest spots on earth, snorkeled with beautiful fish, kissed a snake, hugged a turtle, partied like a "sisterfucker"(from the book Shantaram), met some amazing people and hanged out with my Indonesian brother Boby. Bali has it all and pretty sure I left many parts out. What a difference from Meditation a couple of weeks ago, now I only did it in my sleep, because of the many activities. I'm in heaven, nurtured by mother sea, who throws playful waves at me while the sun darkens my sensitive skin. This smell is the smell of salty, fishy happiness that I was searching for so long in the great 1st world country of Canada. Just saw pictures of cold Montreal and to be honest, I DONT miss it right now. Been already 2 months of which 5 weeks of ... India. Now finally I reached paradise with smiling and kind people, with great surroundings and of course cheaper prices.
Two days ago, went snorkeling with "friends" just to see that I still master the swimming skills and play around with gorgeous water creatures. After snorkeling, went to Turtle Island, which has turtles, snakes, bats, iguanas and many more. I played with all of them, even the turtles who kept trying to have a piece of white meat. After we visited one of the most famous beaches for surfing "Padang Padang", just to find a waves in sight, just a beautiful private beach with silver sand and cool people. The last thing on the list was Uluwatu or monkey temple, where all sizes of sneaky fast monkeys were on the lookout to steal tourist belongings just so local guards armed with candy bars, would feed them so they would drop the stolen goods.
Yesterday, I finally got to surf and it was brilliant after 3 days of hurting knee, banged on the side of the bed, while trying to get balance to aim at the pillow. At first the waves nagged me and my board, but eventually we learned to trust each other and ...wave after wave I would rise proudly on the board and smiled at the sun before jumping in the marvelous liquid.
Last thing on the list, PARTIES. Well this island is full of fat white girls in revealing clothing trying to have some male meat. It's also filled with cute locals in skimpy outfits trying to earn a living by selling their ... attributes. On the guys side, there's a LOT of drunken, sex frustrated, loud and obnoxious foreigners, all of them peacockig with tattoos, funny t-shirts and rock star attitude. I guess it's the perfect mix for ... whatever happens in Bali, stays in Bali. I tried to enjoy good vibes dancing and sweating through the night with great new friends, staying away from the stereotypes that I mentioned before.
This is it for now, everyday is a lifetime of adventures, but I really recommend Indonesia to anyone looking for a great place to travel.

Peace and Love

1 comment:

  1. je m’inquiètes un peu pour toi!

    ....avec ma pauvre compréhension de l'anglais, j'ai juste compris les mots "drunken sex frustrated"
    rassure moi, tu ne te noies pas dans l'alcool car t'es frustré...?

    ok ok je sors! ;-p

    allez profite!

    Alex le francais hypnologue boursier!


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