Thursday, June 6, 2013

Value and trading choices

Just finished yet another crazy life adventure exploring and discovering the roots of my gene pool (missing Mongolia). I can't stop but wonder how I got here, especially with all the people asking the same recurring question… How are you able to achieve it?

To be honest, luck came in handy, but it was mostly giving this dream value in my head over other dreams (house, family, new car, furniture, expensive clothing, and fancy restaurants). On top of that, I really have to thank all those past travel buddies that made this trip fabulous and with whom I reunited for modest period of times.

Why do I travel, is it to run away from something or just to spice up things? Maybe I’m running away from relations and stability, because what I see doesn’t satisfy me. Maybe stability doesn’t have enough value in my definition of the world or simply put, the value of exploring the world is bigger than the one of stability. 
About relations, I’ve always had my share of supportive ladies to enlighten my life and unfortunately the ones I cared for the most had the unpleasant tendency of hurting my feelings. This happened regularly and eventually I started shielding myself from the hurtful love, enjoying the passion and lust found at the start of the rainbow. My 2-3 first real loves have cheated on me at some point, so maybe it’s also a way to get back at a gender, but I don’t think, since I really care about the women I’m with at the respective moment. There’s also … everything in its own time…

Now I’m back and had 2 main problems that had to be taken care quickly. 
First, I came back to find my place trashed by the young French couple that rented it for the duration of my travels. This French hurricane left weird stains in strange places, damaged my things, stole some of my personal belongings and left in a hurry. Feels like gypsies have been living there, which is an ironic coincidence since I’m Romanian and they’re French.

The second problem is personal and just got solved, leaving me free as a bird with infinite beautiful possibilities. Just to raise the intrigue level, it’s about old habits being replaced by even older and uglier ones, which is exactly why I had to get rid of them.

Now, I feel refreshed with crazy wild memories from wonderful places and people, free, energized and ready for new challenges at the work place and on a personal level. Everything is possible with hard work and dedication, starting with my melting belly.

Once again, thank the great souls crossing my path and that I thank for giving a helping hand, you know who you are. Even bigger thanks to my cousins and their lovely families that have decorated a special place in my heart. 

If you allow me this small advice, whatever your goal is, take small steps towards it and give it value over the other stuff draining your energy. 

Free love,

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