Monday, October 17, 2011

How did we evolve from animal instinct to stress fuelled consumers?

I just put down Montreal's free Metro newspaper. Titles order you to worry and accumulate, stress and fear the future. Screw thy neighbour we're about to die, everyone for themselves (to hell with kids and women). Was very impressed after reading a huge article describing how medicine is becoming rare here in Canada. What an enourmous amount of bullshit we're being fed. Really, is Canada running out of pills, compared to whom?
There’s also the big and mean Wallstreet … but who's under that menacing name... Come to think about it, I am, you are, everybody is. Always looking for a greater return on investment, aren’t we? Who cares what it takes, I don't know the neighbour and what good does he do to me? Is he eating my food, taking my parking spot, putting music way too loud next door or maybe even banging my girlfriend?

If we sit down and think about it, we're all animals, governed by hormonal cycles in our brains and by what we feel (not what really happens) around us.
In large groups (civilized society) we play in a big sandbox following those rules because...really...everybody else does it (keep Wallstreet in mind) for the “greater” goal.

Did I scare you? Great news then, there are different view from yours, what now?

Chances are that you will survive tomorrow and that you have accumulated enough possessions/connections to live through the rest of your life. Maybe it's time to STOP and think about what YOU REALLY WANT. If you do, my goal would be achieved, if not, keep reading, you won't regret it.

Now back to the subject of this blog, we all agree on the fact that we have one life and most likely we all think that it should be enjoyed fully. What would you desire to see when you look back, what achievements would be cool to share with the next generations? When is it THAT time when you have to act?

 I’m hoping to find that out for me traveling during the next couple of month and share them with all of you. If my stories give you a shiver, a smile, a tear or make you shake uncontrollably, my goal is once again achieved.

I don’t have any honourable intentions, like saving the planet, create peace or eat healthy.
I don’t any intention to follow the traditional path of happiness which involves suffering before.
I intend to disconnect from the pixel spitting screens and all type of data transferring devices.
I intend to live as a gypsy leaving the numbing comfort behind, bathing inside Pachamama’s guts and eating its fruits.

For the next couple of month, I’ve DECIDED for myself that I won’t give the best time of day away for some growing numbers in a bank account. Pure adventure, danger, excitement, looking for sources, opening eyes and flirting with every aspect of LIFE.

First step Delhi, India on the 14th of December 2011

Love Alex

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