Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Kikou, Maximus and the others

Hope you guys are doing great and I wish you all Happy Holidays, I'm about to leave for a 4 month trip around Europe in almost 1 month with only worry to rent my appartment ... and money.

Once again, I'm getting ready to open the comfy velour doors of the American dream and hop into the unknown scary nomad realm with a strange important choice making question in mind:

What is the logical reason for any living being to leave a secure comfortable environnent to go explore possible hostile situations/places in search of new experiences?

Whatever your answer is, I absolutely love this part of life and the thrill reminds me that I'm alive in a world of infinite possibilities. Making risky choices, is about weighting the risks and accepting the possible consequences. But even with the logical part understood there's inner illogical fears resurfacing from our past.

One of the people that I find inspiring said: There are problems in this world that only death can solve.
 I couldn't agree more and once we realise which ones they are, we could tackle the other 99.9% that we have power of change over them and get towards our goals. Sounds like a motivation speech and it is, since making choices has everything to do with motivation.

What is your greatest ennemy? 
I like to think that my sneakiest enemy is hidden in a dark place of my own mind, whispering limiting beliefs. Having realized this, I decided to give him a nick name, change his voice and even gave him a body. I baptized this mysterious, obstacle making, creature “Kikou”. I also made it small, cute, fluffy with a tiny little funny voice. Now every time he whispers, it brings a smile instead of doubt and I warmly welcome him with a "Hello Kikou" minimizing his effect on my decision after taking in consideration the factual part of his worries.

What about your greatest power source?
On the other side, there’s my inner warrior king that takes the right path and follows my heart's desires while helping others. I’ve decided to make him tall, strong with shining armor, burning sincere stare and a deep wise hypnotic voice. I baptized him “Maximus” after the gladiator movie. I welcome him with "What we do in life echoes in eternity", while breathing deeply and lowering the eyes to salute him. It's usually a sign of a good decision.

Any others?
In between, there are many other characters like the inner child, Cristi, whom expresses curiosity towards the world with his big bright playful eyes. He’s also innocent and playful in his interactions with the world. 
A little further in the dark corners hides the big powerful, but grumpy wolf with his unforgiving character, ready to bite whoever enters his obscure cave. He usually comes out late when the others are tired or in times of scarcity. 
There’s definitely Bacchus going around bringing people together and partying. He usually come out when alcohol is present, he’s very friendly, playful, fun but gets unstable fast.
There’s the monk, quietly feeling the universe around him and raising his conscience. 
There’s the old wise man, which gives useful advice to the King.
There's many more characters in my book, but these ones are most common and by changing their image I can change the impact they have on my decision making process, at least when I'm aware enough to see them come on stage.

There doesn’t seem to be any right or wrong universal way to live your life, as long as we follow our own good path.
Did you ever wonder why, most of us run away from the real important decisions by filling our choice maker with tiny insignificant decisions? In the last years, did you spent more time deciding what to wear or what to eat instead of what you should do to favor your wanted inner characters?

I talked with a friend and it was funny to see the way his mind worked, associating colors with the states I made into characters. He had a strong association between those states of mind(characters) and colors. His way of removing a negative state of mind(Kikou), is  to recall a color that made him feel a more powerful state(Maximus).

I really hope this post will inspire some of you to find your inner strengths and use them in the right situation in order to make better decisions.

If you have 30 free min, to try the following exercice:
1) Think and write down the most recurring states of mind.
2) How do they resonate with you (characters, colors, sounds, feel)?
3) Now that you know a way to get into those states, how can you make some of them stronger or weaker in order to be more congruent with the way of life you're looking for?

Hope you loved this post and I have a cute story coming soon about Kikou, Maximus and relations. Please leave any feedback (good or bad).

Now back to preparing the crazy trip around 27 European countries in only 4 months. Lets hope I don't forget anything, which reminds me that I don't have my plane tyckets yet...

Sincerely yours,