Saturday, April 28, 2012


Time flyies and I need a vacation ... because this one ended up too soon. Feels like 10 years passed by in those unforgetable 10 months. Just left my paradise filled with great memories stamped in my soul by the surrounding views, underwater madness and amazing free souls that I connected with.
There isn't enough ink or time to write about that unreal place named Kho Tao. Sharks, whalesharks, trigger fish, murreys, rays, other divers, caverns, swim throughs, beach coconuts, chang, leo, flags and borders mixing together, experienced boat captains flying over fishes head, Shonkran, Swati caaaaaap, sunsets, sunrises, strange bugs...are tattooed at the back of my right legs and at the deepest part of my heart.

It's funny to travel and discover new ways, traditions, magic and trying to respect the absurdity of new ways of thinking. I lost faith in any magic and man made gods, the only thing that makes sense is that we are an independent machine that interacts with its environment and adapts. Great man made stories to control masses and to romanticize the human being.
I respect your belief anyways if you have any, but back to feelings...
Let's imagine that we're a perfect machine interacting with its environment through our five senses which generates FEELINGS. They are just the chemical liberated by the brain and that makes us act in a certain way.
Continuing on this path, and getting closer to what my point really is, everything we FEEL is own made by what we think we see through the five senses. Which means that the only person responsible for your feelings is you. Nobody can make you FEEL something, if you're heartbroken, depressed, happy, angry...guess who created it...
Now back to religion, superstitions, etc, we make excuses not to act towards the goals, because of ...fear, lazyness... and invent cute stories about superhuman beings that can get into the luck room and pull some strings. Understand the feelings pushing you forward and stopping you and you'll be that much closer to your goals.
Maybe I havent quite found the right words, but this is probably the most important thing I learn from my trips. We're free from beliefs or better said your life is what you make of it. No more feelings caused by other people or external ugglyness.

I do respect everybody's belief and it's not my role to give life lessons, just wanted to share what I found using the best words at hand.

Peace and Love